Zinc: Turns out it extends Botox® results

Important Disclaimer

Botox® is a prescription medicine for the treatment of frown lines, horizontal forehead lines and crow’s feet round the eyes. Botox® has risks and benefits. Ask your doctor if Botox® is right for you. If you have side effects, see your doctor. You will need to pay for Botox® and clinic fees will apply. For details on precautions & side effects consult your healthcare professional or the Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) at www.medsafe.govt.nz. Botox® treatment lasts about 4 months and further courses of treatment may be necessary. Should only be administered by trained medical professionals. Contains botulinum toxin A 50, 100 & 200 units. Allergan (NZ) Limited, Auckland.

What's the Deal with Zinc?

Botox® is a go-to for those looking to smooth out lines and wrinkles, but wouldn't it be great if those results could hang around a bit longer? Enter zinc—a mineral that might just be your new best friend in the quest for extended Botox® benefits.

Zinc is a trace mineral that's crucial for maintaining a healthy body; it aids in immune function, DNA synthesis, and cell division. But what many don't know is that zinc also plays a key role in the function of botulinum toxin, the active ingredient in Botox®. Here's the scoop: Botulinum toxin is a protein, and like all proteins, its activity is heavily influenced by the presence of certain minerals, including zinc.

Zinc and Botulinum Toxin: A Winning Combo

A bit of science for you—botulinum toxin works by blocking the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that signals muscles to contract. To do this effectively, the toxin needs to cleave a protein in nerve endings. Here's where zinc comes in: it acts as a cofactor, essentially helping the toxin to perform this cleavage more efficiently. When zinc levels are optimal, the theory goes, Botox® could work faster and last longer.

Research Backs It Up

It's not just a theory; there's research to back this up. Studies suggest that when patients are given zinc supplements along with a phytase enzyme (which boosts zinc absorption), they see not only an improvement in the onset of Botox® effects but also an extension in the duration of its smooth-skin benefits. We're talking about results lasting up to 30% longer, which is no small perk for those looking to get the most out of their treatments.

Incorporating Zinc into Your Routine

Before you rush to the supplement aisle, it's important to approach zinc supplementation with care. The key is balance—not too much, not too little. Consulting with a healthcare provider is a wise move, as they can recommend the right dosage and ensure that the zinc levels in your body are just right to support your Botox® treatments without causing other issues.

For topical options, several skincare products are formulated with zinc. These can support your skin's health generally and may also complement your Botox® treatments.


Zinc might just be the unsung hero of enhancing Botox® results. By understanding its role and ensuring you have the right amount in your system, you could very well see your smooth, youthful appearance last that bit longer. Whether through diet, supplements, or skincare, incorporating zinc into your Botox® strategy could give you an edge in your beauty routine. Always remember, though, that moderation is key and consulting with a professional is crucial to get it just right!


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